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Let MIS save your organization from spending hours of time sorting through and making sense of volumes of medical records.

For Law firms, chronologies and summaries are an essential tool that allows attorneys to have a precise understanding of the medical record of a client. A chronology emphasizes many details that may have gone unnoticed. We have a medical background and pay particular attention to medications, diagnostic testing, assessments, physicians progress reports, lab reports, surgical records, physical and occupational therapy notes, staffing, patterns of care as it relates to illness or injury, etc. 

Summarizing medical records is a crucial component of personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, nursing home abuse, worker's compensation, wrongful death, social security disability, long term care and allied cases. It is essential for deposition and/or mediation, settlement and/or trial preparation. 

It's easy...just upload records and let us do the work!

We will preform an identification check for completeness of each record. We:

  • Purge duplicates

  • Remove/redact documents belonging to other individuals

  • Identify additional medical providers

  • Organize medical records

  • Bate stamp records for easy identification and retrieval per request

  • Ensure high security standards and HIPPA Compliance​

Sample Chron1.jpg


Date, Provider, Narrative, Notes

Sample Chron2.jpg


Date, Provider, Narrative, Linked Extracted Records.

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